"The Varieties of Religious Experience," "Pragmatism," "A Plurialistic Universe," "The Meaning of Truth," "Some Problems of Philosophy," selected essays including addresses on Emerson, the Philippine question, the California earthquake, and the famous "The Moral Equivalent of War." The last great works from a seminal figure in the history of American philosophy and psychology.
Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
William James Writings 1902 1910
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Consumerism in Twentieth-Century Britain
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare
With a focused emphasis on fairness and justice for animals evident on every page, Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare: Second Edition offers clear explanations of hot-button topics like puppy mills, endangered species in zoos, no-kill shelters, dog fighting, factory farming and disease, veganism, conservation ethics, wildlife contraception, and more. The encyclopedia also explores a range of religious, ethical, and philosophical views on using animals, as well as the latest research on animal cognition and sentience. The work helps readers understand the different viewpoints of animal welfare advocates who want to improve conditions for animals and animal rights activists who don't want animals used at all.
The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
The Decline Of The West
This abridgment presents the most significant of Oswald Spengler’s arguments, linked by illuminating explanatory passages. It makes available in one volume a masterpiece of grand-scale history and far-reaching prophesy that remains essential reading for anyone interested in the factors that determine the course of civilizations.
password : ebooksclub.org
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
The Internet : A philosophical inquiry
This original and fascinating study takes us to the heart of questions that none of us can afford to ignore: how does the Internet affect our concepts of identity, moral anarchy, censorship, community, democracy, virtual reality and imagination?
Free of jargon and full of stimulating ideas, this is essential reading for anyone wishing to think clearly and informatively about the complexities of our technological future.
Terrorism and Disaster: Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions
Social Theory Since Freud
Moving from the impact of the Culture Wars and recent Freud-bashing to contemporary debates in social theory, feminism and postmodernism, Elliott argues for a new alliance between sociological and psychoanalytic perspectives.
Second Philosophy
Maddy delineates the Second Philosopher's approach by tracing her reactions to various familiar skeptical and transcendental views (Descartes, Kant, Carnap, late Putnam, van Fraassen), comparing her methods to those of other self-described naturalists (especially Quine), and examining a prominent contemporary debate (between disquotationalists and correspondence theorists in the theory of truth) to extract a properly second-philosophical line of thought. She then undertakes to practise Second Philosophy in her reflections on the ground of logical truth, the methodology, ontology and epistemology of mathematics, and the general prospects for metaphysics naturalized.
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