The last thing animals need are new reasons for exploiting them. They have already been drowned enough, shocked enough; burned, starved, bled enough; been socially deprived, blinded, rendered deaf and denied sleep enough; had their brains scrambled, their limbs severed, their internal organs crushed enough; suffered induced heart attacks, induced peptic ulcers, induced paralysis, induced epileptic seizures enough; been forcibly made to smoke cigarettes, ingest heroin and cocaine enough; been used in enough high school science fairs, in enough college laboratories, in enough sessions of "practice" surgery; been living targets in enough tests of military weapons, irradiated in enough nuclear explosions, suffered enough in research in germ and chemical warfare; been made to swallow enough brake fluid and carburetor cleaner, had their eyes blinded by enough paint stripper and face cleaners, had their bare skin exposed to enough caustic industrial and commercial chemicals and solvents.
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