Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Suharto

catatan penulis:

Ketika Suharto jatuh dari kekuasaannya pada 1998 saya tidak memxvi KATA PENGANTAR EDISI BAHASA INDONESIA bayangkan bahwa satu dekade kemudian pemerintah akan terus melarang buku-buku yang tidak sesuai dengan propaganda rezim yang lalu. Rezim Suharto mengklaim bahwa PKI bertanggung jawab atas G-30-S; partai itu memimpin atau mengorganisasikan G-30-S. Klaim serupa itu dapat diterima sebagai sebuah hipotesa tetapi kita seharusnya berharap diberi sejumlah bukti sebelum kita menerimanya sebagai kesimpulan. Kita juga harus berharap ada rumusan yang lebih persis. PKI adalah sebuah partai dengan anggota kurang lebih tiga juta orang. Kalau pemerintah berniat bersikukuh bahwa “PKI” mengorganisasikan G-30-S, maka pemerintah harus mampu menjelaskan siapa di dalam PKI yang mengorganisasikan gerakan tersebut. Apakah tiga juta anggota partai secara keseluruhan bertanggung jawab? Atau kah sebagian? Atau hanya pimpinan partai? Apakah pihak pimpinan itu Central Comite atau Politbiro? Sepanjang masa kepemimpinan Suharto pemerintah tidak pernah dengan telak mengidentifi kasi siapa di dalam PKI yang bertanggung jawab. Malahan, dengan secara terus-menerus menggunakan istilah “PKI” masyarakat digiring untuk percaya bahwa bukan hanya seluruh tiga juta anggota partai yang bertanggung jawab, tetapi juga siapa pun yang berhubungan dengan partai, seperti para anggota organisasi-organisasi sealiran (seperti Lekra), bertanggung jawab.
Dokumen-dokumen internal rezim Suharto lebih terus terang. Kebetulan saya menemukan buku yang ditulis Lemhanas pada 1968 untuk pejabat-pejabat pemerintah yang persis mengajukan pertanyaanpertanyaan di atas. Buku 80 halaman ini ditulis dalam bentuk tanyajawab. Berikut satu bagian tentang tanggung jawab “PKI”: Pertanyaan: Apakah benar bahwa G-30-S/PKI yang menggerakkan adalah PKI dan apakah setiap anggota PKI tentu terlibat dalam G-30-S/PKI?
Jawab: Benar

Zaman Edan - Indonesia di Ambang Kekacauan

Ditulis dengan lancar, akrab, dan enak dibaca, buku ini membuka mata kita akan pelbagai peristiwa kelam di negeri ini yang kerap ditutup-tutupi, sekaligus sebagai cermin untuk kita merenungkan kembali makna reformasi setelah 10 tahun rezim Orde Baru tumbang dan memaknai momen 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional.

Catatan Hitam Lima Presiden Indonesia

Judul ini seolah ingin merepresentasikan kabinet yang sudah dilalui negara ini sejak terbentuknya NKRI, buku ini mencoba mengupas sedikit banyak orang-orang nomor satu yang pernah duduk dinegara ini sebagai pemimpin bangsa.

Democratization in Post-Suharto Indonesia

In May 1998 the fall of Suharto marked the beginning of a difficult and multi-layered transition process. It was accompanied by intensified conflict in the political arena, a dramatic increase of ethnic and religious violence and the danger of national disintegration. Ten years after the collapse of the New Order, Indonesia has made significant progress, however the quality of democracy is still low. Theoretically innovative and empirically sound, this book is an in-depth analysis of the Indonesian reform process since 1998. Marco Bünte and Andreas Ufen bring together a selection of noted Indonesia experts to provide new insights into the restructuring of core state institutions, the empowerment of Parliament, the slow and difficult evolution of the rule of law, and the transfer of power to locally elected regional governments (decentralization). Based on the results of extensive fieldwork, Democratization in Post-Suharto Indonesia will be an important read for scholars engaged in research on Indonesia and the politics of Southeast Asia.

Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism

Justice, Gender and the Politics of Multiculturalism explores the tensions that arise when culturally diverse democratic states pursue both justice for religious and cultural minorities and justice for women. Sarah Song provides a distinctive argument about the circumstances under which egalitarian justice requires special accommodations for cultural minorities while emphasizing the value of gender equality as an important limit on cultural accommodation. Drawing on detailed case studies of gendered cultural conflicts, including conflicts over the 'cultural defense' in criminal law, aboriginal membership rules and polygamy, Song offers a fresh perspective on multicultural politics by examining the role of intercultural interactions in shaping such conflicts. In particular, she demonstrates the different ways that majority institutions have reinforced gender inequality in minority communities and, in light of this, argues in favour of resolving gendered cultural dilemmas through intercultural democratic dialogue.

Politics of Multiculturalism: Pluralism and Citizenship in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia

Few challenges to the modern dream of democratic citizenship appear greater than the presence of severe ethnic, religious, and linguistic divisions in society. With their diverse religions and ethnic communities, the Southeast Asian countries of Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia have grappled with this problem since achieving independence after World War II. Each country has on occasion been torn by violence over the proper terms for accommodating pluralism. Until the Asian economic crisis of 1997, however, these nations also enjoyed one of the most sustained economic expansions the non-Western world has ever seen. This volume brings together 15 leading specialists of the region to consider the impact of two generations of nation-building and market-making on pluralism and citizenship in these deeply divided Asian societies. Examining the new face of pluralism from the perspective of markets, politics, gender, and religion, the studies show that each country has developed a strikingly different response to the challenges of citizenship and diversity. The contributors, most of whom come Southeast Asia, pay particular attention to the tension between state and societal approaches to citizenship. They suggest that the achievement of an effectively participatory public sphere in these countries will depend not only on the presence of an independent "civil society," but on a synergy of state and society that nurtures a public culture capable of mediating ethnic, religious, and gender divides. "The Politics of Multiculturalism" should be of special interest to students of Southeast Asian history and society, anthropologists grappling with questions of citizenship and culture, political scientists studying democracy across cultures, and all readers concerned with the prospects for civility and tolerance in a multicultural world.

World Religions and Multiculturalism

This book is about new forms of religious activities emerging in the context of their dialectic relations with contemporary multicultural realities. World religions are effectively a major agent of the multiculturalization of contemporary societies. However, multiculturalism pushes them not only toward change but also toward new conflicts.

password: ebooksclub.org

The Second Sex

Simone de Beauvoir’s masterwork is a powerful analysis of the Western notion of “woman,” and a groundbreaking exploration of inequality and otherness.   Vital and groundbreaking, Beauvoir’s pioneering and impressive text remains as pertinent today as it was sixty years ago, and will continue to provoke and inspire generations of men and women to come.
In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir posed questions many men, and women, had yet to ponder when the book was released in 1953. "One wonders if women still exist, if they will always exist, whether or not it is desirable that they should ...," she says in this comprehensive treatise on women. She weaves together history, philosophy, economics, biology, and a host of other disciplines to show women's place in the world and to postulate on the power of sexuality. This is a powerful piece of writing in a time before "feminism" was even a phrase, much less a movement.
This massive, classic tome is still a delight to read. Simone de Beauvoir is intelligent, scholarly, lucid, and witty; her thesis is simple: early western philosophers established the female sex as "the other" to rationalize and promote the development and growth of fledgling patriarchy. "'The female is a female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities,' said Aristotle; 'we should regard the female nature as afflicted with a natural defectiveness.'" Referring to the earlier research of noted anthropologist Levi-Strauss on the development of the category of "other" - "as primordial as consciousness itself" in all known human cultures - Simone de Beauvoir analyses the depth, breadth, purpose, and result of the western notion of woman as not-man. The book is sub-divided into two sections, "Facts and Myths" and "Woman's Life Today," in which she examines and documents such subjects as "The Data of Biology," "History," "Myths," "The Formative Years," "Situation," "Justification," and, finally "Towards Liberation." Simone de Beauvoir - literary artist, philosopher, and founding mother of twentieth-century feminism - wrote The Second Sex "less by a wish to demand our rights than by an effort towards clarity and understanding." Forty-five years after the book's publication, it remains true to its intent.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

The Reality of the Mass Media

No doubt of that, the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann is one the most intriguing thinker of the 20th century, admired by many and misunderstood by other many. To build his theory of society he departed from the observation of the hypercomplexity of modern society. He sets aside what he called the old European tradition that conveived society as a sum of men - indivivuals - (in this way he conveives modern society as a nonhuman society!). This hypercomplexity gave birth to functional social systems (subsystems) to face the need to reduce the increasing complexity and deal with all the possibilities of communication and processing of information. To achieve this task the subsystems that emerged in society had to operate in a closed operative mode and in a cognitive openness. This theoretical framework allow the subsystems to evolve in an autopoietic (= self-reproduction) manner. The idea of "autopoiese" Luhmann gets from the biological theory from Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, originally applied to living organisms and psychic systems (also read from the same author: "Social Systems").
Thus these subsystems of society (Economy, Law, Religion, Politics) had to establish operational conditions creating their own programmes on base of a binary code (positive x negative). For instance, Economy's binary code - money x no money -, Law's - legal x illegal- , Religion's - faith x no faith.
The most interestin thing concerning Luhmann's theory is that it is based on interdisciplinarity. He mixes theories from cybernetic epistemology (Heinz von Foerster)and mathematics (Spencer Brown) to permit the observation of social systems through the study of mathematical forms, second order cybernetics and constructivist epistemology.
In this context we have one of this most interesting book ever written by Niklas Luhmann, which focus on what is known as the MASS MEDIA. He approaches the MASS MEDIA as one of the most important and interesting subsystem in modern society. This subsystem encloses the press, entertainmente and advertising. He postulates a "contructivist" stance to this subsystem that is not based on the binary code of real x unreal (real x false), because differently as people may think it is not operating on "the reality", as a kind of ontology, but this subsystem constructs its own "reality" based on its own programmes and codification. This perspective Luhmann gets from the second order cybernetics (Heinz von Foerster) and second order obsevation (Maturana & Varela). Luhmann points out that the MASS MEDIA is a system of self-observation of modern society. He refuses the idea that there is someone controlling the public opinion, because it is simply impossible as the hypercomplexity of our society cannot be controlled by a human being. The MASS MEDIA, as all other susbsystems in modern society, only communicate through communication. He claims: only communication can communicate!!.
If you want to look at press, entertainment and advertising from a different point of observation and to get rid of all humanistic theories that tried to describe and conceptualize what is called THE MASS MEDIA, DO NOT miss to read the book. I can assure that you will never more conceive of modern society in the old same way we were taught to. Open your mind and read The Reality of the Mass Media by Niklas Luhmann, although you may find it a difficult reading!! 

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Corruption, Inequality, and the Rule of Law: The Bulging Pocket Makes the Easy Life

Corruption flouts rules of fairness and gives some people advantages that others don't have. Corruption is persistent; there is little evidence that countries can escape the curse of corruption easily-or at all. Instead of focusing on institutional reform, Uslaner suggests that the roots of corruption lie in economic and legal inequality and low levels of generalized trust (which are not readily changed) and poor policy choices (which may be more likely to change). Economic inequality provides a fertile breeding ground for corruption-and, in turn, it leads to further inequalities. Just as corruption is persistent, inequality and trust do not change much over time in my cross-national aggregate analyses. Uslaner argues that high inequality leads to low trust and high corruption, and then to more inequality-an inequality trap and identifies direct linkages between inequality and trust in surveys of the mass public and elites in transition countries. Eric M. Uslaner is Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland-College Park, where he has taught since 1975. He has written seven books including The Moral Foundations of Trust (Cambridge University Press, 2002), and The Decline of Comity in Congress (University of Michigan Press, 1993). In 1981-82 he was Fulbright Professor of American Studies and Political Science at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel and in 2005, he was a Fulbright Senior Specialist Lecturer at Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia. In 2006 he was appointed the first Senior Research Fellow at the Center for American Law and Political Science at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China.

The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law

What is liberty, as opposed to license, and why is it so important? Drawing upon insights from philosophy, economics, political theory, and law, Randy Barnett examines the serious social problems that are addressed by liberty--and the background or "natural" rights and "rule of law" procedures that distinguish liberty from license. He then skillfully outlines the constitutional framework that is needed to protect this structure of liberty. Although this controversial work is intended to challenge specialists, its clear and accessible prose ensure that it will be of immense value to those working in a range of disciplines.